0 ! Because of the diuersitie of names, whereby they vsed to name their Kings, and the supputation of yeres, wherein the Ebrews, and the Grecians do varie, diuers autors write diuersly as touching this Ahashuerosh, but it semeth {Daniel 6,1}, and {9,1}, that he was Darius King of the Medes, and sonne of Astyages, called also Ahashuerosh, which was a name of honour, and signified great and chief, as chief head. Herein is declared the great mercies of God toward his Church: who neuer faileth them in their greatest dangers, but when all hope of worldely helpe faileth, he euer stirreth vp some, by whome he sendeth comfort, and deliuerance. Herein also is described the ambition, pride and crueltie of the wicked, when they come to honour, and their sodeyn fall where they are at highest: and how God preserueth, and preferreth them which are zealous of his glorie, and haue a care and loue towarde their brethren.