1 PRaise ye the Lord. praise God
in's place of holiness:
o praise him in the firmament
of his great mightiness.
2 O praise him for his acts
that be magnificent:
and praise ye him according to
his greatness excellent.
3 With Trumpet praise ye him
that gives a sound so high:
and do ye praise him with the Harp,
and sounding Psaltery.
4 With Timbrel and with Flute
praise unto him give ye:
with Organs, and string’d instruments
prais’d by you let him be.
5 Upon the loud Cymbals
unto him give ye praise:
upon the Cymbals praise ye him
which high their sound do raise.
6 Let everything to which
the Lord doth breath afford
the praises of the Lord set forth:
o do ye praise the Lord.