0 ! It is manifest, that the holie Gost wolde as it were gather into this moste excellent booke a summe of those prophecies, which were writen before, but shulde be fulfilled after the comming of Christ, adding also suche things as shulde be expedient, aswel to forewarne vs of the dangers to come, as to admonish vs to beware some, and encourage vs against other. Herein therefore is liuely set forthe the Diuinitie of Christ, & the testimonies of our redemption: what things the Spirit of God alloweth in the ministers, and what things he reproueth: the prouidence of God for his elect, and their glorie and consolation in the day of vengeance: how that the hypocrites which sting like scorpions the members of Christ, shal be destroyed, but the Lambe Christ shal defende them, which beare witnes to the trueth, who in despite of the beast and Satan wil reigne ouer all. The liuelie description of Antichrist is set forthe, whose time and power notwithstanding is limited, and albeit that he is permitted to rage against the elect, yet his power stretcheth no farther then to the hurt of their bodies: and at length he shal be destroyed by the wrath of God, when as the elect shal giue praise to God for the victorie: neuertheles for a ceason God wil permit this Antichrist, and strompet vnder colour of faire speache and pleasant doctrine to deceiue the worlde: wherefore he aduertiseth the godlie (which are but a smale portion) to auoide this harlots flateries, and bragges, whose ruine without mercie they shal se, and with the heauenlie companies, sing continual praises: for the Lambe is maried: the worde of God hathe gotten the victorie: Satan that a long time was vntied, is now cast with his ministers into the pit of fyre to be tormented for euer, where as contraiwise the faithful (which are the holie citie of Jerusalem, & wife of the Lambe) shal enjoye perpetual glorie. Read diligently: judge soberly, and call earnestly to God for the true vnderstanding hereof.