1 a Is regenerate by the vertue of his Spirit.
6 e The water & the blood that came out of his side, declare that we haue our sinnes washed by him, & he hathe made ful satisfaction for the same.
6 g Which testifieth to our hearts, that we be the children of God.
6 d That is, regeneracion.
6 f Our minde inspired by the holie Gost.
16 h Althogh euerie sinne be to death, yet God through his mercie pardonneth his in his Sonne.
18 l Taketh hede that he sinnes not.
18 n With a mortal wounde.
18 k Giueth not him self so ouer to sinne, that he forgetteth God.
21 q Meaning from euerie forme and facion of thing which is set vp for anie destrucion to worship God.