1 a Christ is our onelie Aduocate and atonement: for the office of intercession and redemption are joyned together.
2 b That is, of them which haue embraced the Gospel by faith in all ages, degrees, & places: for there is no saluation without Christ.
7 f Loue thy neighbour as thy self, is the olde commandement taught in the Law: but when Christ saith, So loue one another as I haue loued you, he giueth a newe commandement onely as touching the forme, but not as touching the nature or substance of the precept.
7 e When the Lawe was giuen.
7 / Or, doctrine.
12 g He nameth all the faithful, children, as he being their spiritual father, attributing to olde men knowledge of great things, to yong men strength, to children obedience & reuerence to their gouernours.
12 h For Christs sake.
16 k To liue in pleasure.
19 n Which semed to haue bene of our nomber, because for a time they occupied a place in the Church.
20 p Which is Christ.
22 r He is that taketh away or diminisheth ether of the natures in Christ, or he that confoundeth or separateth them, els he that putteth not difference betwene the persone of the Sonne, & also, he that beleueth not, to haue remission of sinnes by his onely sacrifice, denieth Christ to be the true Messias.
23 s Then the infideles worship not the true God.
27 / Or, in Christ.