1 a Being ingrafted in Christ by faith, we begin to moue by his Spirit, & as we profite in fiath, we growe vp to a ripe age. And here let him take hede that teacheth, lest for mile he giue poyson: for milke and strong meat in effect are one, but onely differ in manner & forme.
8 b He chargeth them with two fautes: the one, that thei attributed to muche to the ministers, and the other, that thei preferred one minister to another.
10 ! That they beware erronious doctrines.
13 e Or the time: which is, when the light of the trueth shal expel the darkenes of ignorance, then the curious ostentacion of mans wisdome shalbe broght to noght.
13 f By the tryal of Gods Spirit.
15 i As touching his life, if he holde fast the fundacion.
15 h He reproueth them not as false apostles, but as curioius teachers of humaine sciences, as they which lothing at the simplicitie of Gods worde, preache philosophical speculacions.