1 a That is, the Gospel, whereby God doeth manifest himself to the worlde, or whereof God is the autor & witnes.
1 / Or, mysterie.
1 ! He putteth for example his maner of preaching, which was according to the tenor of the Gospel.
3 b Herein appeareth his great modestie, who was not glorious, but abject & humble, not ful of vaine boastings & arrogancie, but with fear & trembling set forthe the mightie power of God.
6 c They whose vnderstandings are illuminate by faith, acknowledge this wisdome, which the worlde calleth follie.
6 d The worde is here taken for them whome ether for wisdome, riches or power men moste esteme.
8 f He calleth Jesus the mightie God, ful of true gloire & maiestie, whome dauid also calleth the King of glorie, {Psal 24,7} and Steuen nameth him the God of glorie, {Act. 7,2} & heareby appeareth the diuinitie of Christ, & conjunction of two natures in one person.
8 ! Which Gospel was contempitible & hid to the carnal.
10 h For he is one God with the Father and the Sonne.
12 k We are not moued with that Spirit, which teacheth things wherewith the worlde is delited, and which men vnderstand by nature.
12 l All the benefits of God in Jesus Christ.