2 b To preache the Gospel.
3 d Whereby God reigneth in vs.
6 g This declareth mans impaciencie who can not abide quietly til Gods appointed time come, but wolde haue all things accomplished according to their affections, read {Zach. 6,4}
7 ! The wordes of Christ & his Angels to the Apostles.
8 i To stand in the face of the whole worlde which signifieth that thei must entre into heauen by afflictions, & therefore must fight before thei get the victorie.
8 k Hereby thei might learne that the Messias was not onely for the Jewes, but also for the Gentiles.
9 l Whereby they knewe certeinely whether he went.
11 o As the true redemer to gather vs vnto him.
12 p Which was two mile, according to the Jewes tradition, albeit it was not so appointed by the Scriptures.
14 ! Wherein the Apostles are occupied til the holie Gost be sent.
14 q A liuelie patron to learne hot to dispose our selues to receiue the giftes of the holie Gost.
14 r Partely to obteine the holie Gost, & partely to be deliuered from the present dangers.
16 s The offense, which might haue come by Judas fall, is hereby taken away, because the Scripture had so forewarned.