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0 ! Christ after his ascension, performed his promes to his Apostles, and sent them the holie Gost, declaring thereby that he was not onely mindeful of his Church, but wolde be the head & mainteiner thereof for euer. Wherein also his mightie power appeareth, who notwithstanding that Satan & the worlde resisted neuer so muche against this noble worke, yet by a fewe simple men of no reputation, replenished all the worlde with the sounde of the Gospel. And here, in the beginning of the Church, and in the increase thereof, we may plainely perceiue the practise and malice which Satan continually vset to supresse, and ouerthrowe the Gospel: he raiseth conspiracies, tumultes, commotions persecutions, sclanders and all kind of crueltie, Again we shal here beholde the prouidence of God, who ouerthroweth his enemies enterprises, delieuereth his Church from the rage of tyrants, strengtheneth, and incourageth his most valiantly and constantly to followe their captaine Christ, leauing as it were by this historie a perpetual memorie to the Church, that the crosse is so joyned with the Gospel, that they are fellowes inseparable, and that the end of one affliction, is but the beginning of another. Yet neuertheles God turneth the troubles, persecutions, imprisonings and tentations of his, to a good ysseu, giuing them as it were, in sorrowe, joye: in bandes, fredome: in prison, deliuerance: in touble, quietnes: in death, life. Finally, the boke conteineth manie excellent sermons of the Apostles & disciples, as touching the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. The mercie of God. Of the grace, and remission of sinne through Jesus Christ. Of the blessed immortalitie. An exhortation to the ministers of Christs flocke. Of repentance, & feare of God, with other principal points of our faith: so that this onelie historie in a maner may be sufficient to instruct a man in all true doctrine and religion.