3 a Euen from the head to the fete.
7 ! Christ excuseth Maries fact.
13 c That is, saue, I besech thee.
13 ! The affection of some towards him, and the rage of others against him and Lazarus.
14 d This doeth wel declare that his kingdome stode not in the outwarde things.
20 e They were of the race of the Jewes, and came out of Asia & Grecia: for els the Jewes wolde not haue permitted that they shulde worship with them in the Temple.
23 f Which is, that the knowledge of him shulde be manifest through all the worlde.
25 g If the loue thereof let him from comming to Christ.
25 ! The commoditie of the crosse.
25 h And so loseth it for Christs sake.
28 ! The answer of the Father.
31 i The reformacion and restoring of those things, which were out of order.
32 ! His death, and the frute thereof.
32 k The crosse is the meane to gather the Church of God together, and to drawe men to heauen.
32 l Not onely the Jewes but also the Gentiles.
36 ! He exhorteth to faith.
38 m That is, the Gospel, which is the power of God to saluacion to euerie one that doeth beleue.
40 ! The blindenes of some, and the infirmities of others.
40 n By deliuering them from their miseries, & giuing them true felicitie.
43 o To be estemed of men.
48 p For that day shal be the approbacion of the Gospel.