3 b Which thing is to be assembled and incorporate into the Church of God.
3 a To entre therein.
8 d As the power of God is manifest by the mouing of the aire, so is it in changing and renuing vs, althogh the maner be hid from vs.
10 e Althogh he was excellently learned, yet knewe he not those things which the very babes in Christs schole oght to knowe.
11 g He reproueth him, for that men do teach things which they vnderstande not, and yet others beleue them: but Christ teacheth things moste certeine & knowen, & men wil not receiue his doctrine.
17 l The contempt of Christ, and the sinnes of the wicked condemne them: yet Christ as a juste judge giueth sentence against the reprobate.
17 m Not onely the Jewes, but whosoeuer shulde beleue in him.
21 / Or, in God.
21 p Or territorie.
25 q That is, how they might be made cleane, before God, with the washings vnder the law did represent.
28 s No man oght to vsurpe anie thing further then God giueth him.