1 a The Greke worde signifieth, not to shrinke backe as cowards do in warre, or to giue place in afflictions or dangers.
2 ! By the example of the widowe, and the Publicane Christ teacheth how to pray.
3 b Who pleadeth against me.
7 c And seme slowe in reuenging their wrongs.
11 d Whereby he declared his proude, & disdainful heart.
13 e These were signes of an humble and lowlie heart.
14 / Or, did not the ether.
15 f The worde signifieth yong suckling babes which thei caryed in their armes.
15 ! By the example of children he exhorteth to humilitie.
16 g He meaneth the nources or them that bare the babes, whome the Apostles rebuked.
16 h He comprehendeth as wel them that are infants of age, as them also, which are like vnto infants in simplicitie and plainenes.
17 i Signifying that they oght to lay aside all malice and pride.
18 ! Of the way to be saued, and what things let.
19 k Because communely they abused this worde, Jesus sheweth him that he colde not confesse him to be good except also he acknowledge tht he was God.
27 l For he so goueraeth the hearts of his, that their riches do not blinde them.
29 ! The rewarde promised to his,
30 m The litle that a man hathe with the grace of God, is an hundreth folde better then all the abundance that one can haue without him: but the chief recompense is in heauen.
39 n The people vsed to call Messias by this Name, because they knewe he shulde come of the stocke of Dauid, {Psal. 132,11 act. 2, 30}
43 o He was mindeful of the benefite receiued & also the people were moued thereby to glorifie God.