2 ! The miracle of the seuen loaues.
4 / Or, whence.
12 d Oh the incomprehensible loue of our Christ! how long shal we abuse his great mercies!
12 / Or, if a signe be giuen.
12 f As if he wolde say, if I shewe them anie signe, let me be a lyar & deceiuer.
15 g He willeth them to beware contagious doctrine & suche subtile practises as the aduersaries vsed to suppres his Gospel.
21 h Christ reproueth them because their mindes are as yet vpon the material leauen notwithstanding they had prouen by diuers miracles that he gaue them their daielie bread.
29 i He that is the anointed of God & fulfilled with all grace for mans saluacion.
30 k Differring it to a more commodious time lest sudden haste shulde rather hinder then further the mysterie of his comming.
33 l This worde signifieth, Aduersarie, or Enemie: & he calleth him so, because he did as muche as in him laye, to pul him from obeying God.