2 / Or, filthie.
2 a The Pharises wolde not eat with vnwashen hands because they thoght that the commune handling of things defiled them, so that they made holines and religion to depend in hands washings.
7 e Whosoeuer teacheth anie doctrine but Gods worde, is a false worshipper, and a seducer of the people, seme his doctrine neuer so probable to the judgement of man.
15 g There is not outwarde or corporal thing, which entreth into man, that can defile him: meaning chiefly of meats, which if thei be taken excessiuely, it cometh of the inordinate luste of the heart, and so the lust is euil.
22 / Or, wantonnes.
22 / Or, enuie.
27 i The Jewes toke strangers not better then the dogs, & therefore Christ speaketh according to their opinion.
28 k She asketh but the poore crommes, & not the childrens bread, wherein she declareth her faith and humilitie.
37 m As if they wolde say, besides all the miracles that he hathe done, euen this now declareth that whatsoeuer he doeth, is verie wel.