1 a Whose excellencie appeareth in that that Herode for the space of 8 yeres kept 10000 men in worke, the stones were 15 cubites long, in height 12, in breadth 8, as Josephus writeth.
1 ! Christ sheweth his disciples the destruction of the Temple.
4 c He answereth them not according to their mindes, but admonisheth them of that which is necessarie for them to knowe.
8 d Great and cruel warres haue ensued since amongs the heathen for the contempt of the Gospel and increase more & more.
12 f Manie wil kepe backe their charitie, because they are vnthankeful and euil, vpon whome they shulde bestowe it.
15 g When the Temple shal be polluted, it shal be a signe of extreme desolation: the sacrifices shal end & neuer be restored.
15 h The horrible destruction of the Temple & the corruption of Gods pure religion.
22 i God prouideth for his children in the middes of troubles.
26 k Whither the false Christs, and deceiuers lead the people, hiding them selues in holes as if they were ashamed of their profession.
26 / Or, clossettes.
28 l In despite of Satan the faithful shal be gathered & joyned with Christ, as the egles assemble to a dead carkeis.
29 n He meaneth an horrible trembling of worlde, & as it were, an alteration of the ordre of nature.
34 o For within fiftie yeres after, Jerusalem was destroied: the godlie were persecuted, false teachers seduced the people, religion was polluted, so that the worlde semed to be at an end.