3 b According to Moses whome they read, but not that which thei teache of them selues.
5 c Thei were skroles of parchement wherein the commandements were written: and to this day the Jewes vse the same & close them in a piece of lether, & so binde them to their browe & left arme, to the intent thei might haue continual remembrance of the Law.
8 d Christ forbideth not to giue juste honour to Magistrates and Masters, but condemneth ambicion and superioritie ouer our brothers faith, which office apperteineth to Christ alone.
8 / Or, teacher.
13 h Which haue now their fote within the dores.
17 k And maketh it to be taken as an holie thing, because of the vse: and hereby Christ sheweth that mans doctrine doeth not onely obscure the worde of God, but is contrarie to it.
25 / Or, intemperancie.
31 o It is not now onely that your nacion hathe begonne to be cruel against the seruants of God, & therefore it is not marueil thogh the children of suche murtherers handle roguhly the Prophetes.
35 q Christ meaneth that all their race shal be punished,, so that the iniquitie of the fathers shalbe powred into the bosome of the children, which resembled their fathers.