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0 This Prophet was one of the thre, which God raised vp for the comfort of his Church after the captiuite, and after him there was no more vntil John Baptist was sent, which was either a token of Gods wrath, or an admonition that they shulde with more fervent desires loke for the comming of Messiah. He confirmeth the same doctrine, that the two former do, but chiefly he reproueth the Priests for their couetousnes, and for that they served God after their owne fantasies, and not according to the prescript of his worde. He also noteth certein peculiar sinnes, which were then among them, as marying of idolatrous and manie wiues, murmurings against God, impaciencie, and such like. Notwithstanding for the comfort of the godlie he declareth that God wolde not forget his promes made vnto their fathers, but wolde send Christ his messenger, in whome the couenant shulde be accomplished, whose comming shulde be terrible to the wicked, and bring all consolation and joye vnto the godlie.