1 b By the brasen mountaines he meaneth the eternal counsel & prouidence of God, whereby he hathe from before all eternitie decreed what shal com to passe, & that which nether Satan nor all the worlde can alter.
1 ! By the foure charettes he describeth the foure monarchies.
1 a By charets here, as by horses afore, he meaneth the swift messengers of God to execute & declare his wil.
2 c Which signified the great crueltie and persecutions that the Church had indured vnder diuers enemies.
2 d Signifying that they had indured great afflictions vnder the Babylonians.
3 f Which signified that God wolde somtime giue his Church rest, and powre his plagues vpon their enemies, as he did, in destroying Nineueh and Babylon, and other their enemies.
5 g Meaning, all the actions and motions of Gods Spirit, which according to his inchangeable counsel he causeth to appeare through all the worlde.
7 i That is, they of diuers colours, which aske leaue, to signifie that Satan hathe no power to hurt or afflict til God giue it him, {Job 3,12}.
10 l To receiue of him and the other thre money to make the two crowns: which were men of great autoritie among the Jews, and douted of the restitution of the kingdome & of the Priesthode, and hurt others by their example.
11 m Because this colde not be attribute to anie one according to the Law, therefore it followeth that Jehoshua must represente the Messiah who was bothe Priest & King.
12 p Which declareth that none colde buylde this Temple, whereof Haggai speaketh, but only Christ: and therefore it was spiritual, & not material, {Hag. 2:10}.
12 n Meaning Christ, of whome Jehoshua was the figure: for in Greke they were bothe called Jesus.
13 r The two offices of the kingdome, & priesthode shalbe so joyned together, that they shalbe no more disseuered.
13 q Whereof Jehoshua had but a shadowe.
14 t He also was called Joshia.
14 u That they maie acknowledge their infirmitie, which loked that all things shulde haue bene restored incontinently: & of this their infidelitie these two crownes shal remaine as tokens, {Act 1,6}.
15 x That is, the Gentiles by the preaching of the Gospel shal helpe towarde the buylding of this spiritual Temple.
15 y If ye will beleue & remaine in the obedience of faith.