1 ! The vision of the flying booke, signifying the curse of thves, and suche as abuse the Name of God.
2 a Because the Jewes had prouoked Gods plagues by contemning his worde, and casting of all judgement & equitie, he sheweth that Gods curse writen in this booke had justely light bothe on them, & their fathers: but now if the wolde repent, God wolde send the same among the Caldeans their former enemies.
3 c Meaning, wheresoeuer he be in the worlde.
3 d He that transfresseth the first table, and serveth not God aright, but abuseth Gods Name.
6 e Which was a measure in dry things conteining about ten pottels.
6 f That is, all the wickednes of the vngodlie is in Gods sight, which he kepeth in a measure and can shut it or open it at his pleasure.
8 i Signifying that Satan shulde not haue suche power against the Jewes to tempt them as he had in time past, but that God woulde shut vp iniquitie in a measure as in a prison.
9 k Which declared that God wolde execute his judgementes by the meanes of weake and infirme meanes.