1 b This was not the Zechariah, whereof is mencion {2 Chro. 24:20}, but had the same name, & is called the sonne of Berechiah, as he was, because he came of those progenitors, as of Joiada or Berechiah and Iddo.
2 c He speaketh this to feare them with Gods judgements that they shulde not prouoke him as their fathers had done, whome he so grieuously punished.
3 d Let your frutes declare, that you are Gods people & that he hathe wroght in you by his Spirit & mortified you: for els man hathe no power to returne to God, but God must convert him, as {Jer. 31,18, lam. 5,21, Isa 21,8, & 3,6 & 45,21, jere 3,12, eze. 18,30, hos. 14,2, joel 2,12}.
5 e Thogh your fathers be dead, yet Gods judgements in punishing them oght stil to be before your eyes: & thogh the Prophetes be dead, yet their doctrine remaineth for euer, {2 Pet 1,15}.
6 f Seing ye saw the force of my doctrine in punishing your fathers, why do not ye feare the threatnings conteined in the same and declared by my Prophetes?
6 g As men astonished with my judgements, and not that they were touched with true repentance.
8 l These signified the diuers offices of Gods Angels by whome God somtime punisheth and somtime comforteth & bringeth forthe his workes in diuers sortes.
8 k Who was the chief among the rest of the horse men.
8 i This vision signifieth the restauration of the Church, but as yet it shulde not appeare to mans eyes, which is here ment by the night, by the bottome & by the mirre trees, which are blacke and giue a darke shadowe: yet he compareth God to a King, who hathe his postes and messengers abroad, by whome he stil worketh his purpose and bringeth his matters to passe.
12 m That is, Christ the Mediator praied for the salvation of his Church, which was now troubled when all the countreys about them were at rest.
14 n Thogh for a time God differre his helpe & comfort from his Church, yet this declareth that he loueth them stil moste derely, as a moste merciful father his children, or an housband his wife, and when it is expedient for them, his helpe is euer ready.
15 o In destroying the reprobat I shewed my self, but a litle angrie toward my Church, but the enemie wolde haue destroied them also, and considered not the end of my chastisements.
16 p To measure out the buyldings.
17 q The abundance shalbe so great that the palces of store shal not be able to conteine these blessings that God wil sned but shal euen breake for fulnes.