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0 Two moneths after that Haggai had begonne to prophecie, Zechariah was also sent of the Lord to helpe him in the labour, and to confirme the same doctrine. Firsttherefore he putteh them in remembrance, for what cuase God had so fore punished their fathers: and yet comforteth them, if they wil repent vnfainedly, & not abuse this great benefite of God in their deliuerance, which was a figure of that true deliuerance, that all the faithful shulde haue from death and sinne by Christ. But because they stil remained in their wickednes and coldenes to set forthe Gods glorie, & were not yet made better by their long banishement, he rebuketh them moste sharpely: yet for the comfort of the repentant, he euer mixeth the promes of grace, that they might by this meanes by prepared to receiue Christ, in whome all shulde be sanctified to the Lord