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0 Seing the great rebellion of the people, and that there was now no hope of amendement, he denounceth the great judgement of God, which was at hand, shewing that their countrei shulde be vterly destroied, and they caried away captiues by the Babylonians. Yet for the comfort of the faithful he prophecied of Gods vengeance against their enemies, as the Philistims, Moabites, Assyrians and others, to assure them that God had continual care ouer them. And as the wicked shulde be punished for their sinnes and transgressions: so he exhorteth the godlie to pacience, and to trust to finde mercie by reason of the fre promes of God made vnto Abraham: and therefore quietly to abyde til God shewe them the effect of that grace, whereby in the end thy shulde be gathered vnto him, and counted as his people and children.