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0 ! The Prophet complaineth vnto God, considering the great felicitie of the wicked, and the miserable oppression of the godlie, which indure al kinde of affliction & cruelitie, and yet can se none end. Therefore he had this reuelation shewed him of God, that the Caldeans shulde come and take them awaie captiues, so that they colde loke for none end of their troubles as yet, because of their stubbernes and rebellion against the Lord. And lest the godlie shulde despaire, seing this horrible confusion, he comforteth them by this that God wil punish the Caldeans their enemies, when their pride and cruleitie shalbe at height: wherefore he exhorteth the faithful to pacience by his owne example, and sheweth them a forme of prayer, wherewith they shulde comfort them selues.