2 a That is, the Idumean.
5 d Thei appointed with them selues to haue it, and therefore came with Nebuchad-nezzar against Jerusalem for this purpose.
8 g God declareth his mercies and goodnes toward his Church who stil preserueth his euen when he destroieth his enemies.
12 / Or, thee.
13 k Thus the enemies imputed as the reproche of the land which God did for the sinnes of the people according to his juste judgements.
21 l And therefore wolde not suffre my Name to be had in contempt, as the heathen wolde haue reproched me, if I had suffred my Church to perish.
22 ! The benefites done vnto the Jewes, are to be ascribed to the mercie of God, and not vnto their deseruings.
22 m This excludeth from man all dignitie, & meane to deserue anie thing by, seing that God referreth the whole to him self, and that onely for the glorie of his holy Name.
31 p Ye shal come to true repentance, and thinke your selues vnworthie to be of the nomber of Gods creatures for your ingratitude against him.