4 c He describeth the office and duetie of a good pastor, who oght to loue and sucor his stocke and not to be cruel toward them.
10 e By destroying the couetous hirelings and restoring true shepherdes whereo we haue a signe so oft as God sendeth true preachers who bothe by doctrine and life albour to fed his shepe in the pleasant pastures of his worde.
12 f In the daie of their affliction and miserie: and this promes is to comfort the Church in all dangers.
16 h That is, by putting difference betwene the good and the bad, and so giue to ether as thei deserue.
16 g Meaning such as lift vp them selues aboure their brethren, & think thei haue no nede to be gouerned by me.
18 i By good pasture and depe waters is ment the pure word of God and the adminsracion of justice, which thei did not distribute to the poore til their had corrupt it.
23 ! He promiseth the true shepherd Christ, and with him peace.