2 / Thogh thou set thine heart as the heart of God.
3 b Thus he speaketh by derision: for Daniel had declared notable signes of his wisdome in Babylon, when Ezekiel wrote this.
12 d He derideth the vaine opinion and confidence that the Tyrians had in their riches strength and pleasures.
13 / Or carbuncle.
14 f I did thee this honour to make thee one of the buylders of my Temple, which was when Hiram sent vnto Salomon things necessarie for the worke.
14 g To wit, among my people Israel, which shined as precious stones.
14 e He meaneth the royal state of Tyrus, which for the excellencie, and glorie thereof he compareth to the Cherubims which couered the Arke: and by this worde "anointed" he signifieth the same.
25 n He sheweth for what cause God wil assemble his Church, and preserue it stil thogh he destroy his enemies: to wit, that they shulde praise him, & giue thankes for his mercies.