1 a At the time appointed.
1 b That is, by his mightie power and by his worde. He prophecieth here of the destruction of Satan and his kingdome vnder the name of Liuiathan, Asshur and Egypt.
2 c Meaning, of the best wine, which this vineyarde, that is the Church, shulde bring forthe as moste agreable to the Lord.
2 ! And of the joye of the Church for their deliuerance.
4 d Therefore he wil destroy the kingdome of Satan, because he loueth his Church for his owne mericies sake, & can not be angrie with it, but wisheth that he may powre his angre vpon the wicked infideles, whome he meaneth by briers & thornes.
5 e He marueleth that Israel wil not come by gentlenes, except God make them to fele his roddes, & so bring them vnto him.
6 f Thogh I afflict & diminish my people for a time, yet shal the rote spring againe & bring forthe in great abundance.
8 h That is, thou wilt not destroie the rote of thy Church thogh the branches thereof sme to perish by the sharpe winde of affliction.
9 i He sheweth that there is no true repentance, nor ful reconciliacion to God, til the heart be purged from all idolatrie, and the monuments thereof destroyed.
10 k Notwithshtanding his fauour that he wil shewe them after, yet Jerusalem shalbe destroyed, and grasse for cattel shal growe in it.
11 l God shal not haue nede of mightie enemies: for the verie women shal do it to thier great shame.
12 m He shal destroy all from Euphrates to Nilus: for some fled toward Egypt, thinking to haue escaped.