1 a That is, is conuersant here in earth among men.
2 ! The Church assureth her selfe of the loue of Christ.
3 b Which was a faire & strong citie {1King. 14, 17}
3 ! The praises of the Church.
4 c This declareth the exceding loue of Christ toward his Church.
7 d Meaning, that the giftes are infinite which Christ giueth to his Church: or that his faithful are manie in nomber.
8 ! She is but one and vndefiled.
9 e He sheweth that the beginning of the Church was smale, but that it grewe vp to a great multitude.
10 f He went downe into the Synagogue to se what frutes came of the Lawe, & the Prophets.
11 g I founde nothing but rebellion.
11 h I ran as swift as the nobles of my people in their charets.
12 i O ye people of Jerusalem: for Jerusalem was called Shalem, which signifieth peace.