1 ! Dauid to cleanse his heart from all hypocrise sheweth that there is nothing so bad, which God seeth not,
2 a He confesseth that nether our actions, thoghts or anie parte ofour life can be hid to God, thogh he seme to be farre of.
13 ! Which he confirmeth by the creation of man.
14 i Considering thy wonderful worke in forming me, I can not but praise thee & feare thy mightie power.
14 ! After declaring his zeale and feare of God, he protesteth to be enemis to all them that contemne God.
16 l Seing that you didest knowe me before I was composed of ether flesh or bone, much more now must you knowe me when you hast facioned me.
21 o He teacheth vs boldely to contemne all the hatred of the wicked & friendship of the worlde, when thei wolde let us to serue God syncerely.
24 p Or anie henous waie or rebelliions: meaning, that thogh he were subject to sinne: yet was he not giuen to wickednes, and to prouoke God by rebellion.
24 q That is, continue thy fauour towards me to the end.