1 a Because God by creating Dauid King, shewed his mercies toward his afflicted Church, the Prophet doeth not onely him self thanke God, but exhorteth all the people to do the same.
1 ! Dauid rejected of Saul and of the people, at the time apointed obteined the kingdome.
4 ! For the which he biddeth all them, that feare the Lord, to be thankeful. And vnder his persone in all this was Christ liuely set forthe, who shulde be of his people rejected.
5 b We are here taught, that the more the troubles oppresse vs, the more oght we to be instant in praier.
6 c Being exalted to this estate, he assured him selfe to haue man euer to be his enemie. Yet he douted not, but God wolde mainteine him because he had placed him.
8 d He sheweth that he had trusted in vaine, if he had put his confidence in man, to haue bene preserred to the Kingdome, & therefore he put his trust in God & obteined.
14 f In that he was deliuered, it came not of him selfe, nor of the power of man, but onely of Gods fauour: therefore he wil praise him.
15 g He promiseth bothe to rendre graces himself, & to cause other to do the same, because that in his persone the Church was restored.
22 k Thogh Saul and the chief powers refused me to be King, yet God hathe preserred me about them all.