1 a The Church of God being oppressed by the tyrannie ether of the Babylonians, or of Antiochus, praieth to God by whose hand this yoke was laied vpon them for their sinnes.
2 b Which inheritance you hast measured out for thy self as with a line or rod.
5 d He commendeth the Temple for the costlie matter, the excellent, workemanship & beautie therof which not wihstanding the enemies did destroye.
8 e They incourages one another to crueltie, that not onely Gods people might be destroyed, but also his religion vtterly in all places suppressed.
9 f They lament that they haue not Prophet among them to shewe them how long their miseries shulde endure.
11 g They joyne their deliuerance with Gods glorie & power, knowing that the punishment of the enemie shulde be their deliuerance.
11 ! And trusting in the might & fre mercies of God
14 l His destrucion did rejoyce them as meat refreshesh the bodie
16 m Seing that God by his prouidence gouerneth & disposeth all things, he gathereth that he wil take care chiefly for his children.
20 ! By his couenant,
21 ! They require helpe & succour for the glorie of Gods holie Name, for the saluacion of his poore afflicted seruants
23 / Or, increaseth more and more.