1 a He prophecieth that all nations shal come to the knowledge of God, who then was onely knowen in Judea.
1 ! He prouoketh all men to praise the Lord and to consider his workes.
3 b As the faithful shal obey God willingly: so the infideles for feare shal dissemble them selues to be subject.
5 d His prouidence is wonderful in mainteining their estate.
7 e He proueth that God wil extend his grace also to the Gentiles, because he punisheth among them such as wil not obey his calling.
9 f He signifieth some special benefite, that God had shewed to his Church of the Jewes in deliuering them from some great danger: whereof or of the like he promiseth that the Gentiles shal be partakers.
11 g The condition of the Church is here described, which is to be led by Gods prouidence into troubles, to be subject vnder tyrants & to enter into manifolde dangers.
13 h The duetie of the faithful is here described, which are neuer vnmindeful to rendre God praise for his benefites.
13 ! He promiseth to giue sacrifice.
16 i It is not ynough to haue receiued Gods benefites & to be mindeful there of, but also we are bounde to make others to profit thereby & praise God.
16 ! And prouoketh all men to heare what God hathe done for him and to praise his Name.