1 ! A praise and thankesgiuing vnto God by the faithful who are signified by Zion.
3 c He imputeth it to his sins & to the sins of the people, that God, who was accustomed to assiste them, with draweth his succour from them.
5 d Thou wilt declare thy selfe to be the preseruer of thy Church in destroying thine enemies, as you didst in the red Sea.
7 f He sheweth that there is no parte nor creature n the worlde which is not gouerned by Gods power & prouidence.
9 ! And forthe plentiful blessings powred forthe vpon all the earth, but specially toward his Church.
9 g To wit, with raine.
9 h That is, Shiloah, or the raine.
9 i Thou hast appointed the earth to bring forthe fode to mans vse.
10 k By this description he sheweth that all the ordre of nature is a testimonie of Gods loue towarde vs, who causeth all creatures to serue our necessitie.