1 / Or, dwel moste safely.
1 b He compareth the afflictions, which God layeth vpon his children, to a storme, that commeth & goeth.
1 a This was ether the beginning of a certeine song, or the wordes, which Dauid vttered, when he stayed his affection.
1 ! David being in the desert of Ziph, where the inhabitants did betraye him, & at length in the same caue with Saul.
2 c Who leaueth not his workes begon vnperfit.
2 ! Calleth moste earnestly vnto God with ful confidence, that he wil performe his promes & take his cause in hand
3 d He wolde rather deliuer me by a miracle, then that I shulde be ouercome.
4 e He meaneth their calumnies & false reportes.
5 ! Also that he wil shew his glorie in the heauens and the earth against his cruel enemies.
5 f Suffer me not to be destroyed to the contempt of thy Name.
6 g For verie feare, seing the great dangers on all sides.
7 h That is, wholly bent to giue thee praise for my deliuerance.
8 i He sheweth that bothe his heart shal praise God and his tongue shal confesse him, and also that he wil vse other meanes to prouoke him self forwarde to the same.
9 ! Therefore doeth he rendre laude & praise.
10 k Thy mercies do not onely apperteine to the Jewes, but also to the Gentiles.