1 ! This Psalme is the first beginning of his gratulacion, and thankesgiuing in the entring into his kingdome, wherein he extolleth & praiseth moste highly the maruelous mercies and grace of God who hathe thus preserued and defended him.
2 a He vseth this deuersitie of names, to showe that as the wicked haue many meanes to hurt, so God hathe manie waies to helpe.
17 n To wit, Saul.
20 q Dauid was sure of his righteous cause and behauiour towarde Saul & his enemies, & therefore was assured of Gods fauour & deliuerance.
25 t Here he speaketh of God according to our capacitie, who sheweth mercie to his & punisheth the wicked, as is said also {Leuit. 26,21}
29 x He attributeth it to God that he bothe gate the victorie in the feld & also destroyed the cities of his enemies.
32 ! Also, he setteth forthe the image of Christs kingdome, that the faithful may be assured that Christ shal alwayes conquer & ouercome by the vnspeakeable power of his Father, thogh all the whole worlde shulde striue there against.
35 c He attributeth the beginning, continuance & increase in weldoing onely to Gods fauour.
37 d Dauid declareth that he did nothing besides his vocation, but was stirred vp by Gods Spirit to execute his judgement.
41 f Thei that reject the crye of the afflicted, God wil also reject them when thei crye for helpe: for ether peine or feare cause those bypocrites to crye.
43 h The kingdome of Christ is in Dauids kingdome prefigured: who by the preaching of his worde bringeth all to his subjection.
45 k Feare shal cause them to be afraied & come forthe of their secret holes & holdes to seke pardon.