1 a He willeth Job to consider the example of all them that haue liued or deliue godly, whether any of them be like vnto him in ranging against God as he doeth.
3 ! The fall of the wicked
3 c That is, the sinner that hathe not the feare of God.
4 e Thogh God sometime suffer the fathers to passe in this worlde, yet his judgements wil light vpon their wicked children.
4 f By publicke judgement thei shalbe condemned, and none shal pitie them.
7 i Which declareth that sinne is euer in our corrupt nature: for before sinne it was not subject to peine & affliction.
9 l He counseleth Job to humble him selfe vnto God, to whome all creatures are subject, and whose workes declare that man is inexcusable, except he glorifie God in all his workes.
14 n In things plaine and euident thei shewe them selues fooles in stead of wise men.
15 q He compareth the sklander of the wicked to sharpe swordes.
16 r If the wicked be compelled at Gods workes to stoppe their mouthes, muche more thei that professe God.
19 s He wil send trouble after trouble, that his children man not for one, time but continually trust in him: but they shal haue a comfortable issue, euen in the greatest and the last, which is here called the seuent.
24 x God shal so blesse thee that thou shalt haue occasion to rejoice in all things, and not to be offended.
26 y Thogh the children of God haue not alwaies this promes performed, yet God doeth recompence it other wise to their aduantage.