2 b Thus the wicked, that consider not that Gods power is euer in a readines for the defence of his, mocke them as thogh thei were weake and feble.
2 a Of his companions that dwelt in Samaria.
4 c This is the remedie that the children of God naue against the derision & threatnings of their enemies, to flee to God by prayers.
4 d Le them be spoiled & led away captiue.
5 e Let thy plagues declare to the worlde that thei set them selues against thee, & against thy Church: thus the prayeth, onely hauing respect to Gods glorie, & not for any priuate affection, or grudge.
12 g Thei, which broght the tidings, said thus, When you leaue your worke, & go ether to eat, or to rest, your enemies will assaile you.
12 f That is, often times.