1 a Meaning, the inhabitants of Samaria, whome the King of Assyria had placed in the steade of the ten tribes {2 King. 17,24} & {19,37}. These professed God, but worshiped idoles also, and therefore were the greatest enemies to the true seruants of God.
3 b For thei perceiued what their pretence was, to wit, to erect idolatrie in steade of true religion.
5 c They bribed the gouerners vnder the King, to hinder their worke. thus they that halte can not abide that God shulde be purely serued.
6 d He was also called Artaxerxes, which is a Persian name. some thinke it was Cambese Cyrus sonne, or Darius, as {vers 5}.
10 h To wit, Euphrates, & he meaneth in respect of Babel that they dwelt beyonde it.
10 i Which were a certeine people that enuyed the Jewes.