2 b He fortified it and made it strong: this citie was also called Elath & Elanan, nere to the red Sea.
2 ! Uzziah obeying the Lord, prspereth in his enterprises.
5 d For God neuer forsaketh any that seketh vnto him, and therefore man is the cause of his owne destruction.
5 c This was not that Zechariah that was the sonne of Jehoiada, but some other Prophet of the name.
10 g That is, in mount Carmel, or, as the worde signifieth, in the fruteful field. It is also taken for a grene eare of corne, when it is ful, as {Leui. 2,14}.
10 / Or, pittes.
16 i Thus prospertie causeth men to trust in them selues, & by forgeting him, which is the autor thereof, procure their owne perdicion.
18 k Thogh his zeale semed to be good & also his intencion, yet because they were not gouerned by the worde of God, he did wickedly, and was therefore bothe justely resisted & also punished.
23 m And therefore was buryed aparte in the same field, but not in the same sepulchres with his predeceisers.