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0 This boke and the former beare the title of Samuel, because they conteine the conception, natiuitie and the whole course of his life, and also the liues and actes of two Kings, to wit, of Saul and Dauid, whome he anointed and consecrated Kings by the ordinance of God. And as the first boke conteineth those things, which God broght to passe among his people vnder the gouernement of Samuel and Saul:so this seconde boke declareth the noble actes of Dauid, after the death of Saul, when he began to reigne, vnto the end of his kingdome: and how the same by him was wonderfully augmented: also his great troubles & dangers, which he susteined bothe within his house and without: what horrible & dangerous insurrections, vprores, & teasons were wroght against him, partely by false counselers, fained friends & flatterers, and partely by some of his owne children and people: and how by Gods assistance he ouercame all difficulities,and enjoyed his kingdome in rest and peace. In the persone of Dauid the Scripture setteth forthe Christ Jesus the chief King, who came of Dauid according to the flesh, and was persecuted on euery side wit outward and inward enemies, aswel in his owne persone, as in his members, but at length he ouercometh all his enemies and giueth his Church victorie against all power bothe spiritual & temporal: and so reigneth with them King for euermore.