1 a For Saul was stayed, & prophecied a day & night by Gods prouidence, that Dauid might haue time to escape.
2 ! Jonathan comforteth Dauid.
2 / Ebr. reueile it in mine eare.
3 ! They renue their league.
3 b I am in great danger of death.
5 c At what time there shulde be a solemne sacrifice, {Nomb. 28,11}: to the which they added peace offrings and feasts.
9 e That he were fully determined.
10 f If thy father do fauour me.
13 g The Lord punishe me moste grieuously.
14 h I knowe that if thou werest now preferred to the kyngdome, thou woldest not destroy me, but shewe thy selfe friendly to my posteritie.
19 / Ebr. of the way, because he serued as a signe to shewe the way to them that passed by.
22 i The Lord is the autour of thy departure.
26 k Yet he might haue some busines to let him.
27 l Thus he speaketh contempteously of Dauid.
29 m That is a peace offring.
29 n Meaning all his kinsfolke.
30 o Thou art euer contrary vnto me as thy mother is.
31 / Ebr, sonne of death.
32 p For it were to great tyranie to put one to death and not to shewe the cause why.
33 ! Saul wolde haue killed Jonathan.
35 q For this was the third day, as it was agreed vpon, {vers. 5}.
38 r By these wordes he admonished Dauid what he oght to do.
38 ! Jonathan aduertiseth Dauid by thre arrowes of his fathers fury.
41 s It semeth that he had shot on the Northside of the stone, lest the boy shulde haue espied Dauid.
42 t Which othe he calleth in the eight verse the couenant of the Lord.