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0 According as God had ordeined {Deut. 17,14} that when the Israelites shulde be in the land of Canaan, he wolde appoint them a King: so here in the first boke of Samuel is declared the state of this people vnder their first King Saul, who not content with that ordre, which God had for a time appointed for the gouernement of his Church, demanded a King, to the intent thei might be as other nacions & in a greater assurance as thei thoght: not because thei might the better thereby serue God, as being vnder the safegarde of him, which did represent Jesus Christ the true deliuerer: therefore he gaue them a tyrant and an hypocrite to rule ouer them, that they might learne, that the persone of a King is not sufficient to defend them, except God by his power preserue and kepe them. And therefore he punisheth the ingratitude of his people & sendeth them continual warres bothe at home and abroad. And because Saul, whome of nothing God had preferred to the honour of a King, did not acknowledge Gods mercie towarde him, but rather disobeied the worde of God and was not zealous of his glorie, he was by the voyce of God put downe from his state, and Dauid the true figure of Messiah placed in his steade, whose pacience, modestie, constancie, perfecucion by open enemies, fained friends, and dissembling flatterers are left to the Church and to euery member of the same, as a paterne and example to beholde their state and vocacion.