1 a Meaning, that she wolde prouide her of an housband, with whome she might liue quietly.
1 ! Naomi giueth Ruth counsel.
3 b Boaz, not yet, anie other.
7 c That is, had refreshed himselfe among his seruantes.
8 / Or, turned himselfe from one side to another.
8 ! She slepeth at Boaz fete.
10 d Thou shewest thy selfe from time to time more vertuous.
12 ! He acknowledgeth himselfe to be her kinseman.
13 e If he wil take thee to be his wife by the title of affinitie, according to God's law, {Deu. 25, 5}.
16 f Perceyuing by her coming home, that he had not taken her to his wife, she was astonied.