1 a Some thinke this historie was in the time of Othniel, or as Josephus writeth, immediatly after Joshua.
3 / Michahs mother according to her vowe made her sonne two idoles.
3 b Contrary to the commandement of God and true religion practised vnder Joshua, they forsoke the Lord and fel to idolatrie.
5 c He wolde serue bothe God & idoles.
5 / Ebr. filled the hand of one.
5 ! He made his sonne a Priest for his idoles.
6 d For where there is no magistrat fearing God, there can be no true religion, nor ordre.
7 e Which Bethlehem was in the tribe of Judah.
9 f For in those daies the seruice of God was corrupt in all estates and the Leuites were not loked vnto.
11 g Not considering that he forsoke the true worshiping of God for to mainteine his owne belly.
13 h Thus the idolaters persuade them selues of Gods fauour, when in deede he doeth detest them.
30 / And after he hired a Leuite.