1 ! Israel sinne and are giuen into the hands of Jabin.
1 / Ebr. added or continued to do euil.
2 a There was another Jabin, whome Joshua killed & burnt his citie Hazor, {Josh. 11,13}.
4 c By the Spirit of prophecie, resolving of controuersies and declaring the wil of God.
4 ! Deborah judgeth Israel and exhorteth Barak to deliuer the people.
6 d And reueiled vnto me by the Spirit of prophecie.
8 e Fearing his owne weakenes & his enemies power, he desireth the Prophetesse to go with him to assure him of Gods wil from time to time.
10 / Or, he led after him 10000 men.
11 f Meaning that he possessed a great parte of that countrey.
14 g She stil encourageth him to this enterprise by assuring him of Gods fauor & aide.
17 h Whose ancesters were strangers, but worshipped the true God, & therefore were joyened with Israel.
17 ! And is killed by Jael.
21 k That is the pinne or stake whereby it was fastened to the grounde.
22 l So he sawe that a woman had the honour as Deborah prophecied.
24 / Ebr. went and was strong.