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0 Albeit there is nothing that more prouoketh Gods wrath, then mans ingratitude, yet is there nothing so displeasant and heinous that can turne backe Gods loue from his Church. For now when the Israelites were entred into the land of Canaan, and sawe the trueth of Gods promes performed, instead of acknowledging his great benefites and giuing thankes for the same; they fell to moste horrible obliuion of Gods graces, contrarie to their solomn promes made vnto Joshua, and so prouoked his vengeance (as muche as in them stode) to their vtter destruction. Whereof as they had moste euident signes by the mutabilitie of their state; for he suffered them to be moste cruelly vexed and tormented by tyrants: he pulled them from libertie, and cast them vnto slauerie, to the intent they might fele their owne miseries and so call vnto him and be deliuered. Yet to shewe that his mercies indure foreuer, he raised vp from time to time suche as shulde deliuer them and assure them of his fauor and grace, if they wolde turne to him by true repentance. And these deliuerers the Scripture calleth Judges, because they were executers of Gods judgements, not chosen of the people nor by succession, but raised vp as it semed best to God, for the gouernance of his people. They were twelue in number besides Joshua, and gouerned from Joshua vnto Saul the first King of Israel. Joshua and these vnto the time of Saul ruled 336 yeres. In this boke are manie notable points declared, but two especially: first, the battel that the Church of God hathe for the maintenance of true religion against idolatrie and superstition: next, what great danger that commune wealth is in, when as God giueth not a magistrate to reteine his people in the purenes of religion and his true seruice.