1 ! Joshua reherseth Gods benefites.
1 b Before the Arke which was broght to Shechem, when they went to bury Josephs bones.
7 d Euen fourtie yeres.
11 e Because it was the chief citie, vnder it he conteineth all the countrey: els they of the citie fought not, {Chap. 3,14}.
14 f This is the true vse of Gods benefites, to learne thereby to feare and serue him with an vpright conscience.
15 g This teacheth vs that if all the worlde wolde go from God, yet euerie one of vs particularly is bonde to cleaue vnto him.
15 / Ebr. if it be euil in your sight.
18 h How muche more are we bonde to serue God in Christ, by whome we haue receiued the redemption of our soules.
25 l By joyning God and the people together: also he repeated the promises and threatenings out of the Lawe.
25 ! The league renued betwene God and the people.
27 m Rather then mans disimulation shulde not be punished, the dume creatures shal crye for vengeance.
33 / Ebr. Gibeath Phinehas.