1 a Ether to beare office, or to mary a wife.
1 ! What men might not be admitted to office.
2 b This was to cause them to liue chastely, that their posteritie might not be rejected.
4 c Hereby he condemneth all, that further not the children of God in their vocation.
6 d Thou shalt haue nothing to do with them.
8 e If the fathers haue renounced their idolatrie, and receiued circumcision.
9 ! What they oght to auoide when they go to warre.
12 f For the necessitie of nature
13 g Meaning hereby that his people shulde be pure bothe in soule and body.
15 ! Of the fugitiue seruant.
15 h This is meant of the heathen, who fled for their masters crueltie and imbraced the true religion.
17 ! To flee all kinde of whoredome.
18 i Forbidding hereby that anie gaine gotten of euil things, shulde be applied to the seruice of God, {Mic. 1,7}.
20 k This was permitted for a time for the hardenes of their heart.
20 l If thou shewe thy charitie to thy brother, God wil declare his loue toward thee.
23 m If the vowe be lawful and godly.
24 ! Of thy neighbours vine and corne.
24 o To bring home to thine house.
24 n Being hired for to labour.