1 ! He commandeth to haue care of our neighbors goods.
1 a As thogh thou sawest it not.
2 b Shewing that botherly affection must be shewed, not onely to them that dwel nere vnto vs, but also to them which are farre of.
3 c Muche more are thou bounde to do for thy neighbours persone.
5 d For that were to alter the ordre of nature, & to despite God.
5 ! The woman may not weare mans apparel, nor man the womans.
6 ! Of the dam and her yong brides.
6 e If God detest crueltie done to litle birdes, how muche more to man, made according to his image.
8 ! Why thei shulde haue batelments.
9 ! Not to mixe diuers kinds together.
9 f The tenor of this Lawe is, to walke in simplicitie, & not to be curious of newe inuentions.
13 ! Of the wife not being founde a virgine.
14 g That is, be occasion that she is slandred.
17 h Meaning the shete, wherein the signes of her virginitie were.
19 i For the faute of the children redoundeth to the shame of the parents: therefore his was recompenced when she was fautles.
22 ! The punishement of adulterie.
26 k Meaning, that the innocent can not be punished.
26 / Or, no sinne worthy death.
30 l He shal not lye with his stepmother: meaning hereby all other degrees forbidden. {Leu. 18}.