1 a That is, the Lords parte of his inheritance.
1 ! The portion of the Leuites.
3 b The right shulder, {Nom. 18,18}.
6 c Meaning, to serue God vnfainedly and not to seke ease.
6 ! Of the Leuite comming from another place.
8 d Not constreined to liue of him selfe.
9 ! To auoyde the abominacion of the Gentiles.
10 e Signifyng they were purged by this ceremonie of passing betwene two fires.
13 f Without hypocrisie, or mixture of false religion.
14 / Ebr. but thou not so.
15 g Meaning a continual succession of Prophets, til Christ the end of all Prophets come.
15 ! God wil not leaue them without a true Prophet.
18 h Which promes is not onely made to Christ, but to all who teache in his Name. {Isa. 59,21}
19 i By executing punishment vpon him.
20 ! The false prophet shalbe slaine.
22 k Vnder this sure note he compriseth all the other tokens.
22 ! How he may be knowen.